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We are proud to announce that we have already reached the 2 million users registered per month by our demographically segmented influx measurement system. This means that, one of our Smart-Business solutions, is already monitoring and analysing the gender and the age of more than 2 million people a month or, what is the same, 500,000 people a week. And this goal has been reached without taking into account the rest of the solutions offered by imotion Analytics, among which, we have the detection and analysis of customer emotions for the measurement of the customer experience, the detection and identification of vehicles and objects or the emotional and attentional analysis of audiences.

Every day we have more data and resources that allow us to analyze, understand and extract value to help our customers to get a better understanding of their business, get to know better their customers and optimize decision-making.

What implications does this news have?

This milestone not only has effects on a business-level, but it also opens the door to new projects related to big data analytics and the study of patterns that, in the near future, will allow us to predict social behaviours in order to anticipate situations that could be harmful and avoid them before they happen. For example, traffic jams, agglomerations in public transport etc.

Keep on growing!

In any case, in imotion Analytics we are ready to continue growing and increasing the volume of data to transform it into useful information that will facilitate the decision making to clients, individuals and society as a whole.