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Costumer Data Intelligence

Get differential information for optimal management of your resources

We put at your disposal segmented and detailed information about the profile of your clients or users.

We collect the data, integrate it and adapt the resulting information to each specific case with great flexibility.

We offer a key tool that exponentially multiplies the possibilities of analysis to achieve optimal decision-making and resource management.

Measurement of traffic and influx of people

Know how many people enter your business, how many people pass through specific spaces in it (checkout area, door, counter, corridors or floors) and how long they remain waiting or being attended.

  • The imotion system offers a reliability of 95% while traditional systems stay at 60-70%
  • Separate identification of inputs and outputs.
  • Individual measurement before group entries.
  • Secure the entry path by not accounting for incomplete entries.

Total influx by date at a given point of sale

Gender segmentation

Know the gender of the clients or users who interact with your business in a non-intrusive and totally transparent way.

Annual affluence segmented by gender

Evolution of the weekly average influx segmented by gender

Age segmentation

Know the age of customers or users who interact with your business in a non-intrusive and transparent way.

Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or annual evolution of the influx of people through different spaces or points of sale and, in turn, segmented by age ranges.

We cross the data

Average evolution of the affluence segmented by gender and age range

Identification of wallets

The system recognizes and adds the groups that form a “purse” or purchase unit, identifying and processing accesses of grouped people, such as couples, family groups with children, etc.

Inflows and occupation by areas or zones

Retail store traffic

Market hall traffic

Traffic on public transport turnstile

Connect the funnel of visits and sales online and offline segmented by customer profile

From the influx data and crossing with other available data, such as sales tickets, visits to the web or online store, demographic profiles obtained with tools such as Google analytics, etc., it will be possible to:

  • Perform the sales funnel by demographic profile: How many people from each profile visit the web, how many come to my store, how much buy, etc.
  • Build indicators and KPI’s by customer profile.

The objective is to obtain information similar to that of Google Analytics at the point of sale.

embudo de visitas y ventas online más offline

Data consumption through API or BI system

The data collected by our system can be consumed through an Api or a Dashboard or specific Business Intelligence system, in which we cross the flow data with the purchase tickets, type of interaction, etc.

Do you want to know more about our Business Intelligence system? Click here!

What consumer profile buys your products?

Having the conversion segmented by gender, with a simple glance at all the stores it is detected which ones have high or low performance

Main benefits of our system

1. Possibility of using existing cameras
2. Increased business efficiency
3. Identify the demographic profile of the influx and of the people who buy each product. This information can later be used to optimize online campaigns, directing them to the appropriate segment.
4. Obtaining conversion ratios in a segmented way, identifying problems with the collections or the effectiveness of the sales team (for example, if only the sales of a customer profile decrease, there is probably a collection problem)
5. Optimize and validate visual marketing actions and optimize marketing campaigns, shop windows, etc.
6. Dimension the needs of personnel and resources to the real inflows and occupation levels
7. Adapt the Mix of products to the real profile that accesses each point of sale, facilitating the mobility of stocks between stores in an appropriate way
8. Obtaining flow data with the highest precision on the market and robustly compared to large flows